
Light shines in darkness

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (john 1:5)

Light is one among many reasons of our existence. Had there been only darkness, then life would have ceased to exist. Because of light, life exists; and due to life in us, we get to see what the light reveals. The excellence of the power of light is that, it cannot be overcome by darkness; instead, darkness dies in the light! Light is mentioned as a personification of God in the Gospel of John. Jesus said I am the light of the world (John 8:12). Jesus came to this world to give Light to every man (John 1:9). The biggest malady of our times is not the absence of Light, but the love for darkness (John 3:19). Jesus came, but not all received Him; for in acceptance of Light comes rejection of darkness and its deeds (Ephesians 5:8). Those who rejected Light continued to live in the dark, driving their lives into a slow but sure eternal cessation. As in ignorance of any matter, the rejection of Light is due to obliviousness of the capability of Light.

Saul of Tarsus was one such who rejected Light in ignorant unbelief (1 Tim 1:13). He heard the preaching of Stephen, but did not believe what was declared, for his heart was not opened then by the Lord (Acts 16:14). In proclamation of Gospel, the Light indeed came to Saul, but the darkness of unbelief within rejected the entry of Light. The intent of the journey of Saul to Damascus was to persecute those of the Way. But the one who went to tie up the disciples with dark cords of destruction, instead got bound by cords of Light! Though Light was denied entry once, Light cannot be kept out for long; for Light wins nonetheless! Light came in search of the one in the dark way; whereas the one in dark was searching for those in the Light (right) Way. The dark ignorance of his conduct was dictated in his response to the Light which spoke to him.

The voice from the Light declared I AM Jesus – for from the great Light comes the great revelation of the great I AM! Though his eyes were open, he couldn’t see – a picture of the world living in ignorant unbelief (Acts 9:8). The revelation of God in the burning bush declared to Moses the God who comes for His children in the midst of their scorching slavery. The revelation of God as the Commander in the land of Canaan professed to Joshua the God who will lead the army of Israelites into the fulfillment of His promise. The revelation of God as Light told Paul of the God who cannot be denied nor overcome with darkness!

The Light of Jesus Christ has dispelled the darkness which once captivated us; and it is our responsibility to not only live in the Light, but also to spread the Gospel so that the Light will do its work in the hearts of those who still love the captivity of darkness (Acts 26:18). Let Goodnews Illuminer spread the Light, by the Spirit, for all to see Jesus Christ.

Highlight: The revelation of God as Light told Paul of the One who cannot be denied nor overcome with darkness!

Pastor Joshin John

Pastor Joshin John

Joshin John is an I.T. Consultant and an itinerant preacher. He holds his B.Tech in Electronics Engineering from College of Engineering (CET, Trivandrum, Kerala). He is an ordained minister; and have served as the Youth Pastor, and Lead Pastor of churches. He is actively involved in ICPF ministries. Pastor Joshin and his wife Libby are parents of three children, and resides in Houston, Texas.

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