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Prayer is relational

Prayer contains a mystical aspect, so it is one of the best opportunities to experience the immediate presence of the Heavenly Father

The relational dimension of prayer is one of the most neglected aspects of Christian spirituality today. Almost all Christians are familiar with the requestive dimension of prayer, as prayer is commonly understood as a chief means to get things done by God. Most Christians are unaware of the relational dimension of prayer. Although several prayers in the OT seem to be requests for material needs, a careful search may reveal the relational aspect of prayer, a two way communication between man and God, in the prayers of various saints, including Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, and Daniel. The New Testament gives a better picture of the relational dimension of prayer. The prayers of Jesus and the apostles, especially Paul, disclose a mystical dimension in prayer, a heart-toheart communication with the heavenly father, which is the chief purpose of prayer. Relational prayer is mystical and impactful.

Prayer contains a mystical aspect, so it is one of the best opportunities to experience the immediate presence of the Heavenly Father. It is an excellent means to strengthen our relationship with the Lord and increase our intimacy with Him. In this mystical communication of prayer, we will not only know Him deeply but also will know who we are and the areas we need to improve. It is the highest level of prayer as there is a shift from the visible to the invisible, from the material to the immaterial, and from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Examining Jesus’s life and teachings helps us understand this dimension of prayer more clearly.

The Lord’s Prayer (Mathew 6:9-13; Luke 11:1-4) is what Jesus taught His disciples how to pray as they were tempted to pray like their Master (Lk 11:1). The prayer concept of Jesus differs from that of Gentiles who think of prayer as a means to achieve things from God (Mt 6:7, 32). He taught that prayer is not a public show but a private affair (Mt 6:5-8). Prayer involves our two-fold relationship, including with God, whom we address as Father (Mt 6:9-13), and with others, whom we need to forgive (Mt 6:12). Kingdom Concern is the priority in prayer. Our tastes, priorities, and preferences are out of place in real prayer. Our plans, will, and desires will give place to Father’s will in true prayer. God’s priorities will become our priorities.

Jesus enjoyed prayer more in the mystical dimension. Jesus used to withdraw Himself for
prayer (Lk 5:16). He withdrew from the crowd and even His own disciples and busy ministry just
to pray (Lk 5:15). In prayer, Jesus was enjoying the fellowship with His heavenly Father, and that is the reason He withdrew Himself to pray even amid powerful and fruitful ministry. He preferred communion with the Father to fellowship with His disciples. His enjoyment was in prayer, as it was sweet communion with His Father. The Gethsemane Prayer of Jesus (Lk 22:39-44) reveals that Jesus’ prayer was in submission to God’s will. In this mystical dimension of prayer, our relationship with the Father will be strengthened. We will be further submissive to the will of the Father, as we will know the Father more deeply and intimately, hear new, experience new, see new, and have new revelations, new visions, new perspectives, and new desires. Knowing prayer does not help us develop a relational prayer life, but we need to depend upon the Spirit of God because the energy, power, and direction for prayer come from the Holy Spirit (Lk 11:9-13).

DR. WESSLY LUKOSE<br> Birmingham, UK

Birmingham, UK

Dr Wessly Lukose (PhD, University of Birmingham, UK), is the Senior Pastor of
both Transformation Church, Birmingham, and Life abundant Pentecostal Church, Leicester,
UK. He is also a Faculty Member of Birmingham Christian College (Newman University, Birmingham) and Filadelfia Bible College, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

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