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It has been almost a year since the Covid-19 pandemic has begun its reign killing more than 1.8 million people in the process. It is very sad to learn that the World Health Organization is still in the dark as to how the Covid-19 pandemic has originated. However, we know for sure that it was first sighted in Wuhan in China in late 2019 and therefore we are fairly sure that an outbreak of the novel Coronavirus began there. To resolve the mystery of the origin of the pandemic, an expert mission from WHO to China to probe the origin of the Covid-19 was due to arrive in China in the second week of this month for the highly politicized task of establishing how and where the virus jumped from animals to humans. But China, as expected, denied them entry visas with a willful intention to torpedo the mission to identify the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic. With China’s refusal to offer entry visas to the WHO team, it can be confirmed that China is determined to control the origin story of the virus.
It may be recalled that U.S. President Donald Trump called the pandemic the ‘China virus.’ What worries the world still is the fact that China has so far resisted pressure for an independent probe, which means that China deliberately wants to hush up something in connection with the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic. The whole world was caught up in the grip of fear of being infected with the novel coronavirus and rumors were doing the rounds as to how the deadly disease originated and invaded people all over the world. One rumor that gained currency was that the coronavirus outbreak in an omnivorous wet market in Wuhan. As China is a country where people love to eat anything alive, there was the possibility of an outbreak of coronavirus from certain animals. Another version of the rumor is that the deadly Covid-19 virus was somehow leaked from the Chinese military lab in Wuhan and thus caused this deadly pandemic. Anyway, of late, China has gotten too big for its boots since China was able to contain the pandemic at its home. Consequently, the world started singling China out for its failure to share information on the origin of the coronavirus pandemic. The U.S. and prominent European countries were at the forefront in criticizing China for its gross failure to share the vital information on the Covid-19 pandemic. Beleaguered and cornered, China now licking its wounds, wants to block the WHO expert team by hook or by crook. Thus, it seems the world, except China, is never going to obtain the real details of the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic.
TK Nandanan, a freelance writer, is presently employed with an Indian Government Organization. Married to Jayasree, who is a nurse by profession, he lives in Kochi. Athulya Grace and Sam Thejus are their children. He is a regular contributor of articles to several English dailies in India.
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