World News

New variant of coronavirus

Have you ever loved flying on an airplane? Well, the Wright brothers flew into history with their first plane on December 17. On the North Carolina coast, Thursday, December 17, 1903, was a cold and windy day. When Orville and Wilbur Wright awoke that morning, they thought it was almost perfect. Three days earlier, after years of trials, they had tried to get their primitive powered ‘airplane,’ with its 40ft wingspan, into the air. No sooner had Wilbur got it off the ground that the aircraft stalled and plunged back down into the sand. Born in 1867 and 1871 respectively – the sons of an evangelical Christian clergyman – the story goes that they were first smitten by the principle of flight when their father bought them a helicopter toy. The pair opened a bicycle shop, capitalizing on the craze for cycles but all the time tinkering with schemes to get an aircraft into the sky. It was the first of four flights made that day, each longer than the one before. On the fourth trial, Wilbur guided the world’s first plane through the air for a distance of 852 feet in 59 seconds. For the first time, humankind had the power of flight. It was a genuinely extraordinary moment.


England has notified the World Health Organization of a new variant of coronavirus that has been found to be growing faster in some parts of the country. Though it has been reported that there is nothing to suggest the new variant caused worse disease of that vaccines would no longer work, this may be associated with the faster spread of virus infections in the south-east of England. The mutations involve the spike protein of the virus, and this is that part that helps the virus to infect the cells. There is a huge effort underway to characterize the variant and to understand its emergence. Hence, it is advised to keep a rational perspective about the strain since this is normal virus evolution, and new variants are expected to come and go and emerge over time.

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