
Creation in Creator

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ.”

P uzzle pieces, when put together, bring the beauty that was hidden in individual parts. Looking at just one fragment of the mosaic will not give a complete idea of what the artist intended. A life lived for oneself might satisfy one’s selfish desires but will not fulfill what the Master Designer intended for his masterpiece! Our lives find meaning in relation and association – of which the relation with our Creator is supreme, followed by our association with His creation, especially our fellow beings. In the Garden of Eden, Adam’s identity is found in the completeness he finds with God His Maker, and Eve his homemaker. We experience wholeness when we are united with Christ. Blaise Pascal, the famous physicist credited for an important principle of hydrostatics called the “Pascal’s law” which led to his invention of syringe that finds its use in vaccinations and medical needs, said,

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ.” Devoid of Christ, we lose our identity and meaning; but in Christ, we find completeness and life’s purpose, which is to glorify Him. Being in Christ happens when we voluntarily give our lives to Him, who died for our sins and rose again from the dead. Just as being in a river of water causes the river to control the person, so also being in Christ means He directs us. The Shepherd of our souls, lead not aimlessly, but into paths of righteousness and divine peace, into pastures of green and to still waters, into restoration and anointing, so that ultimately, we will dwell in His house forever. In such a relationship comes our association with those within and without the church. Our new identity (new creation) resulting from we being in Christ and Christ being in us will require us to live as saints of God both in Christ Jesus and in our Philippi, which we call our place of abode on earth (Phil 1:1). May we not only have our heart’s void satisfied with Christ, but may Christ direct our conduct to display that we are indeed a new creation in Him!

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