
Security beyond the grave Part1

The hope of life beyond only grows more evident as the history of humanity advances

When we are at the grave-side, especially when our dear ones are buried, we feel much emotionally. I remember my wife’s funeral service held 21 years ago, and a month later of my mother, then after two months, my father, again after three months, my younger son, and after a year, the funeral of my older son. Those times were sorrowful days for me; however, each funeral was for me a time for the “celebration of the certainty of my hope in Jesus and the security beyond the grave.”

How reasonable is belief in life after death?

Compared to other creatures, man is a creature whose powers, capabilities, and desires stretch far beyond the terrestrial scene. Look at the ideas that man’s mind is capable of containing. Man’s mind can take in the thought of God, eternity, and infinity. These endowments are not destined only for his limited existence on earth.

God’s dealings with us are to purify and develop character. The perfecting of nature through sharp trial and discipline is not to end up in nothing. Our sense of justice also forces us to visualize something in the future to compensate for today’s unfairness and related problems. The sense of accountability that we all carry with us anticipates a day of reckoning. We can put rational meaning into the experiences of life in the context of the life to come.

Belief in life after death is a source of personal security, optimism, and spiritual betterment. It gives courage and hope when we think of a better life for those who use the present to prepare for eternity. Belief in the unlimited opportunities of eternity has enabled many to make the ultimate sacrifice of their own life on behalf of others. The present life with all inequities and imperfections is not God’s last word to us. The hope of life beyond only grows more evident as the history of humanity advances. Indeed, there must be another chapter to our existence than that which closes on earth.

How is heaven going to be like?

We cannot compare heaven with anything on the earth. There are beautiful pictures and figures of speech in the book of Revelation. This book is filled with imagery and is not always a literal description of things. There is no reason to question the existence of literal heaven.

Heaven is the place where we will live forever with all the saved people who once lived on this earth. It is also a place where we will live with God. The people who live there will never die again. Jesus promised that we could live with Him in heaven (John 14:1-5). It will be wonderful when we are in the presence of God to enjoy His love and goodness every moment of eternity. God’s close presence brings a special joy and peace. The people there and how we live will be much different from our life here on earth.

The Bible does not tell us everything about heaven. We cannot understand it even if it did, because heaven is so much different from what we see on earth. The Bible tells us a little bit about some of the blessings when we get there (Matt.13: 44-46; 1 Pet.1:2-9). Everything that happens in heaven will make us happy and joyful. The main thing is that we shall serve God and find the tasks for our hands and minds. Once we get to heaven, we would never want to return to this earth.

DR. GEORGE SAMUEL <br>Navajeevodayam Bible College, Tiruvalla, India

Navajeevodayam Bible College, Tiruvalla, India

Dr. George Samuel is the Author of the Bestseller ‘Courage in Time of Discouragement’. A scientist specializing in the application of radioisotopes in medicine, Dr. George Samuel is currently Director of Value Education Centre and President of Navajeevodayam Bible College, Tiruvalla. He has had many stressful experiences, especially while caring for his two sons suffering from the threatening Cystic Fibrosis. He firmly believes that despite the problems at home, God is in control!

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