Broken Bread

Our faith in Christ should be unwavering

Only those who have trust in the lord will overcome difficulties and stand upright in life.

No one wishes to be in a state of being afflicted, and if one is stricken with affliction, he may tend to think why this happened to me. As a matter of fact, everyone born into this world has an inherently sinful nature due to the sin committed by Adam and Eve. As sin crept into human life, the entire humanity got separated from God. This separation from God put the man in untold troubles and miseries. Psalm 51:5 says, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” However, with faith in God, one can cleanse his inherent sinful nature. A verse from the book of Job vouches for this truth: “As sparks inevitably fly upward from a fire, people will face problems and troubles in their life.” (Job 5:7).

It is only through a born-again life one can derive spiritual strength and power to conquer the sinful nature and overcome troubles and tribulations in life. In reality, problems in life push people down and make them enslaved. But only those who have trust in the Lord will overcome difficulties and stand upright in life. As long as we remain in our worldly life, we will stay afflicted, and these elements of sinful nature will be eliminated only when we reach heaven and spend time with our redeemer and Savior.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23

When a believer is in trouble, it is an opportunity for him to learn and comply with the decree of the Lord. A righteous man is not for this world but counted for heaven. He will never complain of anything wrong in life, but he will enjoy the time when he is in trouble. Indeed, he will know that the time of affliction is the best period to learn His teachings. It is also a preparation time. Psalms 119:71 says, “It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn Your decrees.”

It is a common belief that troubles come from Satan, but nothing comes to a righteous man’s life without the knowledge of God, and so, whatever happens in life, it is as per God’s plan. We are made for heaven and not destined to remain underneath the earth so that these trials would unsettle no one. For you know quite well that we are destined for them (1 Thess. 3:3). Whatever types of affliction are in our life; we have to remain dedicated and look forward earnestly to getting the reward in heaven (Hebrews 10:23).



Dr. Binu Daniel is a management consultant, teacher, author, and educationist. He has penned many books, and has worked as an editor in academic publications. He was the chief editor of the Golden Jubilee publications of Christ Ambassadors of AG in Kerala. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala; and qualified JRF-UGC in India. He has written numerous articles in well-established English dailies on Economics and Management issues. He lives in Germany with his wife Reena and two daughters, Sharon and Naomi.

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