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Life and work are divine gifts from God. These delightful and precious gifts imbue us with a profound sense of accountability and responsibility towards our Creator. How people live and conduct themselves must harmonize with the purpose for which God created this world. An array of contributing factors influences the pursuit of a vocation, and embracing a specific vocation entails a multifaceted process. Furthermore, the sustainability of one’s commitment to that vocation is contingent upon various aspects. This journey, though complex, is undeniably worthwhile. To discern our calling precisely and faithfully fulfilling it requires a robust perspective on God’s design for our lives. Developing the proper outlook draws our attention to the biblical account of creation, a pivotal historical event that marks the beginning of everything. Drawing principles from the creation account, we find guidance on navigating this intricate but rewarding path toward fulfilling our divine calling.
First and foremost, acknowledging God’s sovereignty is paramount, as it unequivocally underscores His supreme authority over every facet of existence. As the fountainhead of life, God firmly establishes His supreme dominion over all (Gen 1 & 2). This prodigious cognisance should permeate our thoughts and guide our actions. The entrusted privileges and responsibilities we enjoy are divine gifts from God, and any accomplishments or successes we achieve reflect His favor towards us. Recognizing that God is the ultimate owner of our endeavours, businesses, and possessions is imperative. Genuine spirituality encompasses embracing the lordship of our Creator and wholeheartedly yielding to His will.
Secondly, it is essential to acknowledge that everything created by God is inherently good. The
recurrent declaration, “God saw that it was good,” following each act of creation accentuates
the notion that God took immense pleasure in His creative work (Gen 1:4,10, 12). He held a deep appreciation for His creation, recognizing its potential to enhance the beauty and value of the universe, thereby making it a more hospitable and delightful place. There was a
complete absence of hierarchies in importance or significance; every aspect of creation held equal importance and meaning. Following this, humans were entrusted with the substantial responsibility to care for the entirety of creation (Gen 2: 15). The expectation is to be faithful
stewards of the earth. It is vital to accept that no vocation should be regarded as inferior or less
significant, for by diligently fulfilling our responsibilities, we actively contribute to the well-being
of humanity and, in doing so, enhance the goodness of the world.
Thirdly, it is essential that our foremost allegiance lies with our Creator, manifested through
unwavering obedience to God (Gen 2: 17). The principles and moral compass of our vocation
should be firmly rooted in His divine wisdom and teachings. It is all too easy to deviate from the standards and directives set by God, driven by self-serving desires and avarice. True spirituality requires wholehearted compliance with God’s will and a willingness to accept His blessings by His divine plan.
We live in a society that often measures career success by wealth, fame, and influence, neglecting the Creator who created this world for His glory. The recourse is to position our Creator at the core of our existence and faithfully fulfill the responsibilities bestowed upon us.
Pr. Reji Thomas teaches the History of Christianity at the IPC Theological Seminary Kottayam, Kerala. He also serves as the Dean of Academics and resides with his family in Kottayam.
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