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Knowing your identity affects the way you think and behave. The word “Identity” means an individual’s distinguishing character or personality. In our generation, most people are interested in discovering their identity. People seek insight to understand who they are, where they belong, and how they relate to the world. The world tells us to look within ourselves for our identity. However, the natural tendency is to search for our identity in external things. Some people try to define their identity from their reference group, friends, relationship statuses, appearance, and reputation. Others invest time and energy in their career and believe it is a defining characteristic of who they are. Some people take personality tests to understand their identity or personality types:
perfectionist, helper, achiever, creative, quiet, skeptic, visionary, controller, and peacemaker.
A new deconstruction movement is rising among Christians in the Western World. Deconstruction, coined by Blake Chastain, refers to unpacking, rethinking, and questioning one’s identity. This has led to people dropping their Christian faith altogether or devolving into a pluralistic or weaker faith. Many are replacing biblical beliefs with culturally popular ideas for attention, status quo, and acceptance. The modern deconstruction movement is an increasing threat to the lives of so many Christians, as it shifts individuals down a negative path – moving people away from their faith and compromising the structure of families, church, marriage, and parenting. Some turn to agnostic beliefs, atheism, pornography, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, and suicidal ideations.
Research shows that the number of Christians in America has significantly declined in the past two decades. In 2006, Christians accounted for 23% of Americans’ religious identity, but by 2020, this number dropped to just 14.5%. Several influential Christian leaders have shared their spiritual struggles and decline in their faith over recent years. Marty Sampson, a well-known songwriter for Hillsong Worship, announced that he was “genuinely losing his faith” and said, “Christianity is just another religion.”
According to Blake Chastain, deconstruction seems to happen for a variety of reasons, some
of which include 1) Social pressure to conform to progressive social ideologies, 2) The desire to
sin without guilt, 3) Poor biblical teaching, often involving extreme views, 4) Traumatic or bitter
experiences in the church, and 5) A perceived satanic influence or demonic assault.
I take a progressive stance for that which empowers or challenges people in a positive
direction and that promotes societal well-being. However, there is an overwhelming social
pressure on young people to be cool, whether in school, college, or any progressive environment.
Holding a different viewpoint than the majority culture will hurt your friendships and may
even affect your career and future. Expressing Christian biblical beliefs or behavior is now problematic in schools, colleges, workplaces, and social media. However, there is no control over the growth of inappropriate social media platforms, pornography, violence, and drugs destroying young minds.
The world is trying to change the name of sinful lifestyles to make sin appealing and adaptable to accept. For instance, the word ‘pedophilia’ was changed to ‘minor attracted people,’ sexual exploitation to adult entertainment, sex cults to music clubs, adultery to open marriages, gender mutilation to gender transitioning, fornication to intimacy, lust to love, spiritual battle of good and evil to hate speech. In the past few years, we have seen a new trend of accepting and glorifying sin rather than promoting a God-fearing lifestyle. Jesus promised that some would walk away because they did not want to hear his message (Jn 6:65-66). The Apostle Paul also warned that in the last days, people would turn away from sound teaching and have itching ears for false doctrines (2 Ti. 4:3-4). Parents, pastors, and church leaders are responsible for educating the growing generation on biblical truths.
Sometimes, you may experience doubt or even unbelief, which can affect your faith. Doubt
involves questioning what you believe, while disbelief is a determined refusal to accept. Doubt is born out of a troubled mind and broken heart, while unbelief is an act of the will. However,
when you follow Jesus and seek to know Him more through prayer, bible study, church
gathering, and talking with friends, a mentor, or a Counselor, you will discern right from wrong.
You will be able to recognize flawed beliefs about your identity, faith, salvation, certain behaviors, or sins that disqualify you from receiving Christ’s redemption. Believe and confess that you are created by a loving God, in His image, for a purpose. You are significant in His sight. You have authority in Jesus. You may remember your sins, making you feel unworthy to accept your true identity.
One’s identity should be structured on Biblical truths and not based on your feelings or preferences. It ministers to the whole person:Spirit, Soul, and Body (1 Th. 5:23). According to
the Bible, male and female are not determined by what we feel we are but by who we are. A biblical understanding of our identity will empower us.
The Bible says you are a child of God (1 Jn 3:2);
His masterpiece (Eph. 2:10);
a new creation (2 Co. 5:17);
a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Co. 6:19-20);
you are blessed (Eph 1:3); bold (2 Co. 3:12);
chosen (Co 3:12); forgiven (Act 13:38-39);
free(Ga. 5:1); gifted (1 Pe. 4:10); holy (Eph. 1:4-5);
justified (Ro. 5:1); loved (Ro. 8:38-39);
Never alone (De. 31:8); pleasing (2 Co. 2:15); redeemed
(Co. 1:14); saved (Eph. 2:4-6); set apart (1 Pe.2:9);
valuable (1 Co. 6:19-20);
Wonderfully made(Psa. 139:14).
Our faith is rooted in our firm belief in Jesus Christ and the limitless love, acceptance, and
forgiveness we receive in Him. Seeing you as Jesus sees you matters most. If you believe in
Jesus, you experience a new identity in Christ. The more you know Jesus through His Word
and in prayer, the more you will experience His identity in you, enabling you to grow in intimacy
with Him and other believers. Paul says, “Thanks be to God who has given us the victory in Christ Jesus.” (1 Cor. 15:57). In Christ, we have total victory over sin, poverty, satanic curses, diseases, sickness, fear, etc. We should work to become more like Christ (Ro. 8:29; Ga. 4:19) and practice spiritual disciplines.
The more you know Jesus, the more you can identify the flaws in your life through the Holy
Spirit. Jesus said, “And him that comes to me; when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you
into all the truth” (Jn. 16:13). A closer walk with Jesus will enable you to experience the power
and anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Counselor to comfort you, lead into truth with wisdom
and knowledge, and deliverance from demonic influence and pulling down of strongholds in life
(Jn. 14:16-17; 16:13). Then you will experience inner peace and the love of God enabling you to show this love to others. You will grow to look more like Him and less like the world. In Christ, you are forgiven, loved, and have your identity established as a child of God. In addition, God has specific plans and purposes for your life. He wants you to prosper and flourish in all areas, including your relationships, career, and personal growth. This assurance can be found in Je. 29:11. And as His handiwork, you were intentionally created in Christ Jesus for a purpose (Eph. 5:1). You have a new identity because, through Jesus, you are forgiven, your sins have been paid for, and you are aligned and restored in right standing before God.
Dr. Idiculla is the Director of the Mental Health Evaluation Department at a major Psychiatric Hospital and an Instructor in Psychiatry in USA. He serves as the President of Agape Partners International and Pastor of the Boston Christian Assembly. He is a certified marriage counselor, frequent speaker at family/marriage conferences, and a guest lecturer at various universities in the US, Middle East, and India.
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