
Christ in you makes you strong

If Christ lives in you, you don’t have to worry about being weak because Christ’s peace will rule your heart and give you strength.

No man is free of problems, and most problems are man-made. There is a verse in the Bible, “No harm befalls the righteous, but the wicked are filled with trouble.” (Proverbs 12:21). A wicked man thinks the world is full of various fantasies to enjoy, but the righteous does not find pleasure in them. The wicked tries to act upon all evils in this world with little regard for the consequences, and as a result, they fall into various unnecessary troubles and fail to find peace. But the righteous do not assign any relevance to these worldly pleasures, as they are sure that it will bring only trouble rather than peace.

 Some people out of desperation have turned to alcoholism to defeat their problems. But the abuse of alcohol takes away the moral virtues in individuals, leading to a spike of crimes in society. Problems beget problems. Whatever type of peace is offered by the world to fix societal problems cannot be a lasting one compared to the peace God gives us. John 14:27 says ‘The peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.’ To get the real peace, one has to turn to God. If Christ lives in you, you don’t have to worry about being weak because Christ’s peace will rule your heart and give you strength.

God-loving character does not guarantee righteousness, but a man who fears God and shuns evil would be called “a righteous man.” God has promised an everlasting offer, which is still valid for all of us. This promise is, “No harm befalls the righteous.” The best example is the life of Job in the Bible. Though he lost everything in his life, including his health, no lasting harm was caused to him. Further, he remained steadfast in God’s love and fear, and it brought back his life and prepared a table in the presence of his enemies. Living like Job might feel impossible, but we can do one thing – treat our problems just like they are small molecules compared to God’s love and His power. So, why should we tremble before a problem? Know that the problems we face – big or small – will not follow us beyond the grave. The inexplicable sorrows and worries we encounter on earth will make sense when we see Jesus face-to-face. That day, He will wipe every tear away.

Dr. Binu Daniel

Dr. Binu Daniel

Dr. Binu Daniel is a management consultant, teacher, author, and educationist. He has penned many books, and has worked as editor in academic publications. He was the chief editor of the Golden Jubilee publications of Christ Ambassadors of AG in Kerala. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala; and qualified JRF-UGC in India. He has written numerous articles in well-established English dailies on Economics and Management issues. He lives in Germany with his wife Reena and two daughters, Sharon and Naomi.

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