
Living Water

No one other than Jesus has promised us of this free-living water.

Water is essential for our lives, but it’s taken for granted since it’s available, not expensive, and requires no work from our side. God freely provided us with all necessities for life— oxygen, light, and water! Because we enjoy these provisions at minimal cost, we often neither value nor appreciate them or the Giver. Matt. 5:45 states, the sun rises, and the rain falls on both the good/righteous and evil/unrighteous; they are given to us freely and unconditionally. We only realize the value of those when deprived and without it, leads to death.

We easily understand the lack of necessities in our physical life, but we remain ignorant when deprived of spiritual water. We become spiritually dehydrated when surrounded by polluted waters and forget of the “living water” He has promised for us. In Rev. 22:17, we read of those who thirst can freely drink from the water of life if they choose to. No one other than Jesus has promised us of this free-living water.

The specialty of the water that Jesus gives is that whoever drinks the water will never thirst, and will become a spring of water in us welling up to eternal life (John 4:14). In John 7:37-39, we see again an invitation to those who are thirsty to come and drink; Jesus reveals this water as the Holy Spirit. This water is also seen in Ezek. 47:9,12 as a river that couldn’t be passed over, and in Rev. 22:1-2 as the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of life and of the Lamb. We all know that Jesus Christ is the Lamb who was slain for our sins (Rev. 5:12), He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds, we are healed (Isa. 53:5). We should be aware of the living water (Holy Spirit), which is given freely and unconditionally to us through Jesus by accepting that He died for our sins. Let’s make sure that we trust in Him so that the rivers of living water flow out to quench the thirst of many spiritually dehydrated ones around us. May God give us the grace to be faithful until the end.

Dr. Jais Jacob

Dr. Jais Jacob is an MSN, FNP-C, MD, CIC, who was caught by the love of Christ at her young age. She was able to face hardships and challenges in her walk with Christ by the grace of God. She earnestly desires to lead a victorious Christian life, and please God, in order to be called a “good and faithful servant” at the end of the day!

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