abc of a Good Samaritan
Be a neighbor to the Least, Lost, and Last
They claim that they love God, but they do not consider it as their duty to help others.
Life on this planet is a probationary existence where we go through various experiences
Spafford and Scriven knew that it was in these moments when they were being tried and tested, challenged and broken, devastated and defeated that God would see their true character and faithfulness to Him.
God can provide all kinds of help and protection from all evils if we have firm faith in him.
Devotional They say that there’s only one life But for me, it’s a lie My life before Christ and after Christ I say the worst and the best The old me When my life was a wreck Excessively appropriate for this world Excessively appropriate to the power of this world to be played with A …
A Christian is not exempted from trials; nonetheless, they are provided with the power to overcome it
The hope of life beyond only grows more evident as the history of humanity advances
A Christian pilgrim’s midnight melody becomes a sweet and powerful God’s song when it is sung in the night
When you accept that the trials are God-sanctioned because he has a purpose for you, you learn to persevere